Set SMART Goals for Your Success

Many people set goals at the beginning of the year. How many go back and look at them?

Some people have vague, general ideas of things they want to do, but never create action steps or plans to achieve anything. And some people don’t follow-through due to fear or poor habits.

The problem for so many people is that they have not created goals which will help them succeed.

Without goals, people are not as successful as they hope to be. Moreover, people who do not write down their goals are less likely to achieve them.

In addition, research shows you are likely to miss deadlines, feel frustrated, or be unprepared when you don’t have goals and action steps to guide you.

So, should we set goals to see our dreams come true? Yes!

Goals give us momentum. They push us to work through challenges and obstacles that come our way.

This article will help you understand how to put goals together using the S.M.A.R.T. goal system. Follow along to set goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at the SMART system.

SPECIFIC. How specific do you need to be?

The more specific you are, the easier it will be to qualify your results along the way. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, know how much weight you want to lose. Better yet, what weight would you like to be at the end of pursuing your goal?

Sample Goal: I will weigh 200 pounds.

MEASURABLE. We want to qualify our goals.

To make a goal measurable, we need to see progress over time. For example, if your goal is to get an A grade in a course, go into more details. This will help you to track your progress.

Sample Goal: I will study an extra two hours a day for class.

ACTIONABLE. Every goal should be actionable in terms of getting somewhere.

Keep in mind, when writing goals, begin with a verb. A goal is actionable when it is clear what action will achieve it. A simple way to make your goal actionable is to focus on the verb.

Sample Goal: I will read the assigned chapter before class.

RELEVANT. Is your goal relevant to your life?

When you are setting goals, this step is the realistic assessment of what you want to do. It is important to create goals you can accomplish at your stage in life. For example, if you are a struggling student, you may want to consider getting a tutor or scheduling office hours with your teacher.

Sample Goal: I will ask for extra help to complete school assignments.

TIMELY. Every goal needs a deadline.

When there is a time set to complete the goal, you act urgently. Simply saying you will do something, isn’t good enough. You need to say when you will complete the task. For this reason, you need to set a date to complete the goal. Otherwise, you will always have the goal but never develop the urgency to accomplish it. Let’s revisit the weight-loss goal and write it in a timely format.

Sample Goal: I will weigh 200 pounds by December 31, 2022.

Evaluate your goals weekly or biweekly. People fail to achieve their goals because they don’t evaluate their progress. Besides, keeping track of your goals helps you to remember what you’re trying to do. Remember, when you set a goal, think about your current situation. Create a goal that is manageable but, will ultimately cause you to stretch yourself.

Reward yourself for every milestone. People love getting something for a job well done. And when you are working towards your dream, these mini treats encourage you to celebrate and be ready for the next step.

Goals will help us change our story in the end. They will help us chase our dreams and see them come true.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - C. S. Lewis


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